BSBV's CAC St.Bernard Rasspeciale


2 CACs to be won at 1 venue, in 1 weekend for those participating on Saturday and Sunday.
On Sunday Beautiful prizes and rosettes for all winners and nobody goes home empty-handed!

Enter your dogs for the indoor FCI breed specialty show with CAC of the Belgian Saint Bernard Friends on Sunday 20 April 2025. Breed specialist Ms Martina Ellerova from Slovakia will judge the Saint Bernard and you will receive a free judging report. A show where enough time is provided for each dog.

Entries close on 11/04/2025
Price increase for entries after 04/04/2025

Venue: Oktoberhallen, Schroverstraat at 9280 Wieze, Belgium (4 km from Aalst)

Doors: 08h00

Start of judging: 10 a.m.

For the 2nd CAC you must enter at the Kynologische Vereniging Nievel Kapel 45th international All Breed CAC SHOW, Ter Hopstreek on the Saturday at the same location in WIEZE via onlinedogshows.
